viernes, 23 de enero de 2015


 -El post de hoy, quiero dedicarlo a uno de los reyes del minimalismo dentro de los diseñadores de Second Life. David Heather, es en Second Life, lo que en RL sería un diseñador de alta moda. Algunas de sus líneas me recuerdan a una mezcla perfecta, entre Jean Paul Gaultier y Victor & Rolf, bañados por el minimalismo de Callaghan. 

-The Post today, I want to dedicate one of the kings of minimalism within Second Life designers. David Heather, is in Second Life, which in RL would be a high fashion designer. Some of his lines remind me a perfect blend between Jean Paul Gaultier and Viktor & Rolf, bathed minimalism Callaghan.

 -Y no solo es que la ropa, sea excepcional. Es que la experiencia de visitar su tienda, es una de las más agradables, que he tenido aquí en Second Life. El Sim donde se encuentra,el diseño de la tienda central, demuestra la minuciosidad en el diseño que David Heather ha sabido inyectar a todo lo que le rodea. 

 -And not only clothes, exceptional. Is that the experience of visiting your store, is one of the nicest, I've had here in Second Life. The Sim is located, the design of the main store, demonstrates the thoroughness in design that David Heather has managed to inject everything around him.

HEAD/CABEZA:..................The Mesh Project (BETA) Head(m) - Fierce (Deluxe)

BODY/CUERPO:................................The Mesh Project (BETA) Deluxe Body(m)
(Including hands and feet/Incluye manos y pies)

SHAPE/FORMA:......................The Mesh Project (BETA) Shape(m) - Supa Model

SKIN/PIEL:..................................THE SKIN SHOP (11) (SKIN) 'Bleu' (Athletic)

EYES/OJOS:...............................THE SKIN SHOP (EYECOLOR) 'Reflect' (Blues)


HAIRBASE:.....................................Unorthodox Fundamentals Hair Base Pack 
BEAR/BARBA:.................................Unorthodox Tuff Beard Pack + TMP Applier


SHIRT/CAMISA:.......................................-David Heather-Yves Shirt/Burgandy

STOLE/ESTOLA:...............................................-David Heather-Ulti Stole/Grey                                                 
PANTS/PANTALONES:.................................-David Heather-Frange Pants/Black 
                               .....................................-David Heather-Yves Pants/Grey
MAN SUIT/TRAJE:...................................-David Heather-Gabardine Suit/Black
                          ...................................-David Heather-Seventeen Suit/Moss

SHOES/ZAPATOS:...................................-David Heather-Celine Oxfords/Black

                           ................................-David Heather-Celine Platforms/Black
                           .................................-David Heather-Gongini Oxfords/Sand
                           .................................-David Heather-Launder Loafers/Grey

BAG/BOLSO:...................................................-David Heather-Yves Bag/Grey



PIERCINGS:...........................................[MANDALA]OKAKI face peiarcing set




POSES:..........................................................* S O R G O *- (various Poses)


TATOO:................................................Inhale. Honor The Force (TMP Applier)